Childrens Pictures

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Kids are always climbing, building, exploring, trying out new things. Don’t just photograph them on holidays and birthdays. Make picture-taking a part of your everyday life.

Begin a photo tradition
Take pictures regularly so that you, your family, and friends can see how much your child has changed. Capture your child setting off for the first day of school each year. Or mark your child’s growth against a tree as you watch your child and the tree grow. Or every Father’s Day, surround Granddad with all the grandkids.

Be patient
Don’t expect to get the perfect shot immediately. Sit back and wait for the right moment, then shoot quickly.

Shoot at eye level
Eye-to-eye contact is as engaging in a picture as in real life. So try sitting on the ground and snapping some photos from the child’s perspective. Expressions will look more natural, your flash photos will be more evenly lit from nose to toe, and the background will probably look a lot better, too. This also works great for pets!

Take candid pictures
Ignore the impulse to force your subjects to always pose staring at the camera. Variety is important. Take candid pictures to show them working, playing, leaning against a banister chatting, or relaxing.

Include friends
Don’t forget to include your kids’ friends in some of your pictures. In years to come, these pictures will remind them of happy times and the bonds that were so strong. “Look! That was right after Carrie tried to cut her own hair!” “Whatever happened to Tyler?” “I wonder what we were giggling about.”

Get close
Fill the camera’s viewfinder or LCD display with your subject to create pictures with greater impact. Step in close or use your camera’s zoom to emphasize what is important and exclude the rest. Check the manual for your camera’s closest focusing distance.