Wedding Day Planning and Photo tipser

NicoleMaui family portraits, Maui Photography, Maui Wedding Photography, Travel Photography- Maui, VACATION PHOTOGRAPHY, Wedding photography

Every bride has lots of things to think about when she’s planning her wedding, but so many tend to forget about taking care of themselves on the day of their wedding. And it’s important that those small, but mighty, details not escape even the most well prepared bride!

The top of every bride’s list on the day of her wedding is to relax and enjoy it! Whether you’ve been working with a wedding consultant or have done all the planning and preparation on your own, it’s now the big day and you deserve to have at least as much fun as any of your guests.

1. Make-Up

Two weeks before the wedding, do a complete test of your wedding-day look (make-up, hairdo and shoes)  Put together a little make-up bag for touch ups that you can take along with you the day of the wedding to keep you looking your best.  On the big day, have a friend, bridesmaid or family member hang on to it or stash it somewhere handy so you can get to it when you need it. Be sure to use waterproof mascara, and don’t forget to pack the hairspray!

2. Emergency Kit:
Fill a small bag with items such as a travel size sewing kit (you’d be amazed at the magic tricks just one safety pin can perform), clear nail polish (for panty hose/stocking runs), an extra set of panty hose or stockings, throat lozenges and aspirin. Other ideas for the “emergency kit” include tissues, breath mints, tampons, hand cream and band-aids.

3. Eating
Since most brides don’t get to enjoy the meal served at the reception, you really should consider having something to eat before the wedding, no matter how worried you are about how the dress fits!

While food may be the last thing on your mind on your wedding day, it’s nonetheless important that you start the day with some healthy and filling nourishment. It’s going to be a long (and wonderful) day and you’ll want to have plenty of energy so you can keep dancing and socializing for hours!

4. Shoes:

You know those stunning, sexy, strappy, ultra-high heels that work perfectly with your wedding gown? They’ll be great for the ceremony and for the formal pictures, but if you’re planning to kick up your heels at the reception, you’ll be better off kicking off the heels and settling into something more comfortable. So get a pretty, more practical pair of shoes that you can change into to keep your dogs from “barking” the entire week after the wedding!

5. Pre-Plan with your photographer- Photo tip

Make sure to work out all the details before your wedding day. If there’s soemthing particular your wanting as a memory, it’s important to share the info with your photographer. When working with a photographer,  share what you have in mind, it’s ok to show them images of what style of photos you want on your day.  You may want to have some traditioanl photos of family and friends and of your ceramony but, then want to ad a creative fliar to your wedding photos. Tear out photos from magazine, make a colage and show it to your photographer. Plan out your day in advance so nobody is running around last minute to find someone that’s suposed to be in the photo. Perhaps give a list to each person as to when and where they are suposed to meet witht he photographer.