Wedding Traditions of a Jewish Wedding
Wedding traditions of a Jewish wedding is steeped in history and religious beliefs. Many oftheir traditions are similar to the rest of the world, while other customs have started in Israeland are special to the locals of that region. Regardless, a Jewish wedding is a time for bliss andhappiness to be shared by all. Mazel tov (or Good Luck)!
Prior to the start of the wedding, the welcoming of the guests known as kabbalat panim, is doneby the chatan (groom) and kallah (bride) separately, as they themselves have not seen eachother for the entire week. After the kabbalat panim is completed, the chatan then performs thebadeken, otherwise known as veiling of the kallah. The veil represents modesty and teaches thatphysical attractiveness is not as important as their character and soul.
It is also a Jewish custom for the groom to be presented with a tallit from the bride to be worn forhis aufruf, also known as the reading of the Torah (the five books of Moses). A tallit is a garmentworn that creates personal space during the prayer. This takes place just prior to the ceremony. Itis also customary for all the Jewish men to have their heads covered throughout and particularlyduring prayers. This shows a sign of respect and acknowledges that God is in their presence. Forsome congregations, Jewish women may also cover their heads when praying.
Some of the traditions that take place during the ceremony are:
– It is common for the groom’s family to present the new bride with candlesticks that are usedduring the wedding ceremony.
– The bride may “Circle the Groom” seven times. This happens as the ceremony begins and isin observance of a biblical custom. It represents the act of definition. Circling seven times alsocompletes their search for one another.
– There are two parts to a Jewish ceremony. It is the celebration of Erusin (pre-engagement)and Nissuin (marriage). Erusin starts with Kiddush, which is the blessing over the wine. Erusinends with the exchanging of the wedding rings. More and more these celebrations are beingperformed together, whereas in the past they were celebrated a year apart from one another.
– Just like with Yom Kippur, both the bride and the groom will fast. This usually will start atdawn and last until the end of the marriage ceremony.
– During the ceremony, the groom will wear a kittel, which is a white robe that is traditionallyworn on Yom Kippur.
– In the wedding ceremony, two cups of wine are used. The first goes with the betrothal blessingsthat are recited by the rabbi. After the recital, the bride and groom will drink from the other cup.
– Once the verbal commitments are complete, the marriage remains incomplete until Kinyan
takes place. Kinyan is the where the physical acceptance has taken place in front of twowitnesses that see the bride accepting the ring from her groom. This is done while the groomrecites the marriage words.
– Once the ketubah (marriage contract) is read, wine is then poured into a glass. At this point, thesheva berakhot is read over the glass of wine, followed by the drinking of the wine by the newcouple. Sheva berakhot is the core moment of a Jewish wedding as the groom recites a blessingin Hebrew, while the bride reads it’s English translation.
– At the end of the ceremony, the groom will wrap the empty glass and stomp on it. Thestomping of the glass represents the Holy Temple in Israel and its destruction. It also reminds theguests that love can be fragile.
– One of the more special moments of a Jewish wedding is that it can also be one of the holiestdays of the couple’s lives. The couple’s mistakes from their past are considered forgiven.
– A Jewish wedding may also take place under the chuppah (a canopy type of tent). The chuppahrepresents that a new home will be built by the new couple.
– After the ceremony, the bride and groom are taken to a yichud room. This is a private room thatcouples are left in alone for a few moments. The time alone represents the couple’s new status ashusband and wife living together.
– Upon completion of the meal, the birkat hamazon is recited. Birkat hamazon is the saying ofgrace after a meal. After the recital, sheva brachot begins again.
Jewish Wedding Traditions
Wedding Traditions of a Jewish Wedding
Wedding traditions of a Jewish wedding is steeped in history and religious beliefs. Many of
their traditions are similar to the rest of the world, while other customs have started in Israel
and are special to the locals of that region. Regardless, a Jewish wedding is a time for bliss and
happiness to be shared by all. Mazel tov (or Good Luck)!
Prior to the start of the wedding, the welcoming of the guests known as kabbalat panim, is done
by the chatan (groom) and kallah (bride) separately, as they themselves have not seen each
other for the entire week. After the kabbalat panim is completed, the chatan then performs the
badeken, otherwise known as veiling of the kallah. The veil represents modesty and teaches that
physical attractiveness is not as important as their character and soul.
It is also a Jewish custom for the groom to be presented with a tallit from the bride to be worn for
his aufruf, also known as the reading of the Torah (the five books of Moses). A tallit is a garment
worn that creates personal space during the prayer. This takes place just prior to the ceremony. It
is also customary for all the Jewish men to have their heads covered throughout and particularly
during prayers. This shows a sign of respect and acknowledges that God is in their presence. For
some congregations, Jewish women may also cover their heads when praying.
Some of the traditions that take place during the ceremony are:
– It is common for the groom’s family to present the new bride with candlesticks that are used
during the wedding ceremony.
– The bride may “Circle the Groom” seven times. This happens as the ceremony begins and is
in observance of a biblical custom. It represents the act of definition. Circling seven times also
completes their search for one another.
– There are two parts to a Jewish ceremony. It is the celebration of Erusin (pre-engagement)
and Nissuin (marriage). Erusin starts with Kiddush, which is the blessing over the wine. Erusin
ends with the exchanging of the wedding rings. More and more these celebrations are being
performed together, whereas in the past they were celebrated a year apart from one another.
– Just like with Yom Kippur, both the bride and the groom will fast. This usually will start at
dawn and last until the end of the marriage ceremony.
– During the ceremony, the groom will wear a kittel, which is a white robe that is traditionally
worn on Yom Kippur.
– In the wedding ceremony, two cups of wine are used. The first goes with the betrothal blessings
that are recited by the rabbi. After the recital, the bride and groom will drink from the other cup.
– Once the verbal commitments are complete, the marriage remains incomplete until Kinyan
takes place. Kinyan is the where the physical acceptance has taken place in front of two
witnesses that see the bride accepting the ring from her groom. This is done while the groom
recites the marriage words.
– Once the ketubah (marriage contract) is read, wine is then poured into a glass. At this point, the
sheva berakhot is read over the glass of wine, followed by the drinking of the wine by the new
couple. Sheva berakhot is the core moment of a Jewish wedding as the groom recites a blessing
in Hebrew, while the bride reads it’s English translation.
– At the end of the ceremony, the groom will wrap the empty glass and stomp on it. The
stomping of the glass represents the Holy Temple in Israel and its destruction. It also reminds the
guests that love can be fragile.
– One of the more special moments of a Jewish wedding is that it can also be one of the holiest
days of the couple’s lives. The couple’s mistakes from their past are considered forgiven.
– A Jewish wedding may also take place under the chuppah (a canopy type of tent). The chuppah
represents that a new home will be built by the new couple.
– After the ceremony, the bride and groom are taken to a yichud room. This is a private room that
couples are left in alone for a few moments. The time alone represents the couple’s new status as
husband and wife living together.
– Upon completion of the meal, the birkat hamazon is recited. Birkat hamazon is the saying of
grace after a meal. After the recital, sheva brachot begins again.