16 Little Known Facts About American Marriages
Have you ever attended a wedding and took a moment to think about what really happens after the pomp and circumstance of the ceremony and the actual marriage begins? Do times like this ever make you wonder about how much you really know about marriages in America? Me too.
For example, wedding photography really didn’t take off until after World War II. Below are 16 more samples of the many little known facts about the American marriage that you might find interesting.
Did you know….
- The states of Oklahoma, Nevada and Maine possess the highest percentage of adults that are divorced. In addition, Oklahoma, as well as Arkansas, leads the country in having the highest rates of adults that have been married a minimum of three times.
- Back in the nineteenth-century, a legislator from New York stood up and insisted that by letting married women own their own property was an attack on God, as well as Nature.
- Virginia law once required that an ex-slave would need to leave the state once they were freed. However, in 1815, one freed female slave petitioned the legislature so that she can remain a slave, just so she could remain married to her husband, who was still-enslaved.
- In the states of Utah, Oklahoma and Arkansas, the women are known to get married at a younger age, 24, than men. The average age for men of those states to wed is 26. In the states of the northeast region, such as New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, both men and women generally wait approximately four more years to marry. The average age in the United States for men is 27.7, while the women average is 25.6 years.
- To overcome anti-discrimination laws in the late 19th century, a white male from New Orleans had a blood transfusion using the blood of a black woman, whom he was in love with. By doing so, he declared himself as being black so he could marry her.
- The divorce rate in America can be staggering. Statistics show that over half of first marriages will end in divorce, with second marriages divorcing at a 67% rate. A third marriage (you are almost doomed) about 74% ends in divorce.
- News station “CNN” has reported that the biggest stress on the American marriage is the current economy. This could be the first time the economy is considered at blame for in the past 60 years.
- Statistics are showing that a person’s education level often influences as to what age they will marry. In the states where there are more college-educated adults residing, those couples appear to be marrying later compared to those who live in states that have lower education levels.
- A poll conducted by A New Woman’s Day and AOL Living, has revealed that about 72% of the women they surveyed has considered leaving their spouses at one point or another.
- Does the amount of sex change after getting married? Surveys show that one out of every three marriages in the United States is having either little sex or no sex at all. Do you think that may explain some of the divorce rates?
- Back in the 17th century, a married man from Massachusetts was put in stocks, along with his cheating wife, as well as her lover, as the community felt that perhaps the wife would not have cheated had her husband had been meeting his marital duties.
- What area of America has the lowest marriage rate? Washington, D.C.
- In America, the number of family and marriage therapists in 1990 has doubled since 1970.
- Back in 1848 the Oneida colony, which was located in New York, were advocates for “complex” or group marriage. This meant that every man was married to every woman. In addition, they practiced “scientific breeding.” This is where a committee would put parents together if they were a match based on their physical and mental health compatibility.
- Married couples have sex at an average of 58 times a year, so a little more than once a week. At that rate, a pack of cigarettes could last you about five months.
- It is estimated that revenue of about $6 billion is lost by American businesses due to a decrease in worker productivity that can be linked back to marital hardships. At the end of the other spectrum, employees that are in happy marriages are often known to increase a company’s profit margin.