Why Wedding Cakes?

NicoleMaui Photography

A wedding cake can date back to the wedding ceremonies of Roman times when they would hold a small bun over the bride’s head and break the bun to close out the ceremony. The bun symbolized fertility. Meanwhile, during the Middle Ages, it was customary for the new couple to stand over small cakes and kiss. The tradition of the … Read More

The Groom’s Cake

NicoleMaui Photography

The Groom’s Cake The groom’s cake is a smaller cake that is served at the wedding  reception. Young women (unmarried) would take a piece of the groom’s  cake home to place under their pillows and the old wive’s tale says “they  will marry whomever they dream of that night.”

Wedding Cake

NicoleMaui Photographer, Maui Photography

Wedding Cake During the days of the Roman empire, wedding cakes were baked of wheat or barley. At the reception, they were traditionally broken over the head of the new Bride by the Groom as a symbol of her fertility. Guests would then scramble for pieces of the cake, and take them home for good luck. It later became a … Read More

Maui Photographer Blog, Wedding Cakes

NicoleMaui Photography

Wedding Cake Also during the days of the Roman empire, wedding cakes were baked of wheat or barley. At the reception, they were traditionally broken over the head of the new Bride by the Groom as a symbol of her fertility. Guests would then scramble for pieces of the cake, and take them home for good luck. It later became … Read More