I recently flew to Houston to shoot my friends wedding reception. It was a long flight from Maui, Hawaii with a stop over in Phoenix Arizona. It was a long way to go but, it was awesome to see my friend whom I haven’t seen in about 8 years.
I stayed at the Marriott in Sugarland Texas where there was an awesome shopping area around the hotel with many restaurants and a big mall near by within walking distance. I wished I hadn’t been so jet lagged as I missed girls night out, sleeping right through it. I was able to catch a bite to eat at an awesome Italian restaurant and walked through a real mall, YES A MALL…. It’s the little things you miss like a mall with numerous amounts of stores to choose from when you live on a island. We don’t have a real malls in Maui so, being in a place with lots to do was amazing. I was so excited and probably looked like a kid in a candy store looking in each store with amazement in my eyes. Unfortunitly, I didn’t have the extra cash to buy myself something new to wear but, looking was almost as good. It was nice to just get away and see something different.
I love my job as a wedding photographer and when I’m able to shoot a Destination Wedding, I’m all over it. What can I say, I love my work. If your looking for a photographer who loves what she does and will do whatever possible from water or land to capture your special day then please call Behind The Lens Maui Photography. I’m willing to travel to shoot your destination wedding.