Wedding Traditions of Europe; Top Ten Crazy Traditions
Throughout Europe there are many different wedding traditions. Some of the traditions go way
back to ancient days of life, while others are more modern. Many are in place to bring good luck,
some are to ward off evil spirits and some are just really strange. The top ten are:
10. It Takes Two. In Germany, it is custom for the bride and groom, upon exiting the ceremony,
to engage a waiting log to be sawed in half. It will be done by a single two-person saw. The
groom and his bride are to cut the log in unison as to show that marriage can be enjoyed as a
9. Groom Has Some Stones. In Scotland they honor the “Creeling the Groom,” as the groom will
carry a large basket that is filled with stones on his back. He will continue to carry the basket in
this fashion until his bride gives him a kiss.
8. Is Pre-Marriage Harder Than Marriage? In the country of Belarus, at some point before the
ceremony, there is a challenge for the groom as he tries to get his bride. He is expected to climb
up to her apartment and while he is climbing, he will face many different tasks, much like
an obstacle course that he needs to accomplish. During his climb, he may also get poked and
prodded to throw him off his trail He may also be forced to answer questions pertaining to his
bride or he may be required to sing or dance. One very bizarre tradition is that he may have to
pick his bride out from amongst her friends. This is done by only showing certain body parts,
like their hands or feet and he has to be able to identify his bride’s. After he reaches his bride, he
is then allowed to carry her off.
7. Take That Ghosts! To scare away poltergeists, the German tradition of Polterband is practiced.
Relatives and friends of the couple will purposely break many dishes against the bricks that are
on the ground. This tradition serves as a two-in-one activity because, not only does it thwart off
poltergeists, but the bride and groom are required to clean the mess up. That symbolizes their old
lives being broken up and the cleaning is the beginning of a new life together and good luck.
6. The Bride Goes Missing. It is custom for friends of the couple to kidnap the bride and hide her
virtually anywhere. It will then be up to the groom, and his uninvolved friends, to have drinks
at a bar and BEFORE they begin the search to find her. This takes place in several European
5. Evil Fairies Likes Them Shoes. At an Irish wedding, it is believed that evil fairies look to steal
away the bride. The only way this could happen is if her feet arise off the floor. Therefore, she
must be in contact with the floor at all times. In the event she is dancing, her dance partner is
held accountable if she is taken by the fairies.
4. Straw Dancing. In the counties of Mayo and Leitrim in Ireland, nine young men are selected
to be “strawboys.” They will wear long coats and masks made of straw and the night before the
wedding, will go to the home of the bride and dance with her. Other women in the house will
also dance with the strawboys.
3. Isn’t Lead Poisonous? In Estonia, to ensure that the couple is in good faith, as well as with
understanding, the bride and groom are casted with lead.
2. Have A Drink With Me. At an Estonian wedding reception, one of the couple’s fathers will
go beneath the table of food to see if there are demons under the table that may try to corrupt the
food. However, if a demon is found, the father will then give it a glass filled with vodka. At the
time the demon is drinking, that same father will kick away the spirit in order for it to flee away.
1. Blackened Bride. Prior to a wedding in Scotland, it is somewhat common to witness the
tradition known as “Blackening the Bride.” Family and friends will surprise attack the bride and
douse her with many nasty items such as eggs, mud, sauces and feathers, among other items.
Then they will take her around town for all to see and this lets everyone know that she is now off
the market.